Thursday 3 October 2013



“when Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped urging her”

                                                                             Ruth 1:8 (NIV)

No matter how long the night is, morning will surely come. The situation may be so bad now but God cannot forget you. The Lord remembered his people and provided them food Ruth 1:6. God never forgets his promises. The Lord remembered Noah and the animals in the ark Genesis 8:1, God remembered his promise to Abraham and delivered his descendant from Egypt Exodus 2:24-25, 3:8-10, 12:31-32 and God also remembered Hannah 1 Samuel 1:19.

When things became better in Judah, Naomi and her daughters-in-law prepared to return home. The three of them set out for Judah but only two of them arrived in Judah. Orpah decided to go back along the way. In life it is not good enough to start, it is better to finish and finish well. Even though Ruth was a Moabite woman, she became one of the ancestors of David and Jesus Christ all because she was determined to follow Naomi.

Rahab who was a harlot in Jericho was spared because she hid the spices in her house Joshua 2:1-6, 6:22-25. She was so favoured that generations after her, her descendants still lived in Israel.

Orpar kissed her mother-in-law goodbye and nothing was said about her again Ruth 1:14. Men that were celebrated even in death were men who did not quit. Ruth also had the opportunity to turn her back on Naomi but she did not. Our choices and not our circumstances determines what happens to us. Ruth gave up her familiar home land, culture, god and her relatives in other  to follow Naomi. She simply left the known for the unknown. It takes faith to take such a step.

Ruth did not follow Naomi because of what she was going to gain from the relationship. She considered the need of her mother-in-law before her own. Ruth was determined and focused and in due time she reaped her reward.

To be successful in life, you must be focused and determined to step into unfamiliar grounds. It is not enough to have dreams, put your dreams into action. Take a step today because in other to win you must not quit. If you quit you will never win.


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