Friday 27 February 2015


For you said to yourself, ‘I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God’s stars.
I will preside on the mountain of the gods far away in the north. I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High.’ Isaiah 14:13-14.

The main focus of pride is “I”. Many great destinies have been aborted as a result of pride.

Many great men have been ruined by pride. Pride is like cancer which never stops until it has destroyed everything. Pride is a canker worm which is never satisfied. It is a sure path to destruction.
Success not tamed can lead one into pride. Uzziah was a very successful King. He became great and then fell into the trap of pride 2 Chro. 26:16. A man who is hungry and has nothing usually does not have a problem with pride. There is nothing to boast or be proud of. Success therefore reveals the true nature of a man. A man is measured by how well he is able to handle wealth, power and position.

Pride pushes men into error. Pride shows up in the life of people in many ways:

  •   Proud look. Proverbs 6:17
  •   Proud talk. Proverbs 14:33.
  •    Proud thought. Luke 1:51  
  •    Proud actions. 1Timothy 3:6, Lev 26:19
  •  Proud walk. Proverbs 16:18
  •    Proud heart. Proverbs 16:5,21:4,28:25
God hates the proud and he will have nothing to do with such people. Pride will not stop pushing a man until he is ultimately destroyed. Lucifer, King Herod and Uzziah were destroyed by pride. Pride is one of the little foxes that results in the termination of destinies. Catch the fox of pride in your life before it destroys your life.

If you are wanting in any of these areas, make amends now before it is too late.

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