Monday 27 April 2015


That ye not be slothful but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promise                 Hebrews 6:12

Patience is waiting without grumbling!

Impatience is not the same as I’m patient!

Impatience is lack of endurance of pain, suffering, opposition or delay. It is eagerness for change without following the right procedures. An impatient person cannot tolerate others, is restless and easily irritated.

Impatience is a thief which has succeeded in robbing many of their blessings. Impatience only prolongs the time of waiting for a thing. Life is a process not an event. Things will not always happen at the snap of your fingers, you need patience. Patience is a virtue which every Christian needs.

Impatient people are always in a hurry. They drive beyond specified speed limits forgetting that great haste make great waste. They push their way to make things happen the way they want it. At the end, their lives are full of unfulfilled dreams and regrets.

God’s promises will only be delivered when you are patient. Enoch walked patiently with God and God took him away. Abraham had to wait for 25 years for his promised son, Isaac. David waited 13 years before he became king after he was anointed by Prophet Samuel. Jesus waited 30 years before he started his ministry. Gehazi was impatient and he lost eventually. Patience is the price you pay for God’s promise to come to pass in your life.

A man without the virtue of patience cannot walk with God. Moses learnt patience as he kept the flock of his father-in-law. This helped him when he was to lead over 3 million people out of Egypt. Do you lack Patience? You can ask God for this virtue to be manifested in you as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

When you are tempted with Impatience, try out Endurance! When you have exhausted Endurance, Longsuffering is still there waiting for you!

Impatience is one of the little foxes; do not allow it to ruin your vineyard!

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