Wednesday 28 December 2016


10 But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.
41When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
Luke 1:10, 41 (NIV)

Good news is something that is positive, encouraging, uplifting, or desirable. It is the delivery of a long awaited expectation just like water gushing forth in the desert. It also makes others who hear the news to rejoice with you. Good news is impossible to keep to yourself.

It is what makes your heart leap for joy. This is the kind of news that cheers your spirit, soul and body. You can’t hold yourself back when you receive such news. This is what this season is all about.

When Mary greeted Elizabeth, baby John leaped for joy in the womb because he could fill the good news in the air.
The angels came to announce this special news to the shepherds who were watching their flock at night. The shepherds hurried to where Jesus was and found it just like the angels told them. They returned home rejoicing and telling everyone what they heard and saw for themselves.

The good news in this season is not restricted to only Mary, Elizabeth and the shepherds; it is for everyone as the angel said. It is also a season of glory as the glory of the Lord surrounded the angel who delivered the news.
Get ready for not only good news this season but also glory. Glory is what brings an end to all forms of shame and disgrace.

The barrenness of Elizabeth was terminated, a virgin became pregnant while ordinary shepherds saw a host of angels!

Get set for your Good news in this season!!!

There’s news that makes the ear tingle
You can’t but hear it ringing
It goes straight to the heart
Making the whole body awake!

There’s news that makes the mouth to smile
Irrespective of its previous state
The smile progresses into laughter
Changing your mood instantly!

There’s news that moves the leg
In joyous dance steps
One that needs no practice
Yet so outstanding!

There’s news that makes the hand clap
In overflowing joy
Excitement that is inexpressible
Yet irresistible!

There’s news that makes the heart leap
Just like medicine to the body
It renews your strength
And you are lost in excitement!

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