Thursday 26 February 2015


You will only live once but once is enough to make a mark!

………..what she has done is going to be remembered and admired   Matt 26:13 (MESSAGE BIBLE)

Every day presents you with countless opportunities to make a mark in the life of others. A woman poured her precious perfume on Jesus and over 2,000 years after we are still talking of her deed. The story of Balaam is incomplete without mentioning the talking-donkey. A servant girl called the attention of Naaman’s wife to Prophet Elisha in Israel, the lunch of a little boy was used by Jesus to feed 5,000 men. What mark are you making today?

What comes to mind when you read this names- Wright brothers, Thomas Eddison, Adolf Hitler, Martin Luther King, George Washington, Kirk Franklin, Osama bin Ladin, Saddam Hussein, Billy Graham? 

Your life is a book that is being written every day. Today gives you another chance to touch a life, help someone, be a shoulder to the weak, be sight to the blind, and answer someone’s prayer. You do not need a title, wealth or position to make a mark. You can live a footprint in the sands of time that time will not be able to erode. Say a kind word to someone, give to the needy, help the helpless, give a smile, be a listening ear, reach out your hand in love and you will be making a mark that will never be forgotten.

A young boy went on evangelism in the rain alone because the others did not turn up because of the rain. He got to a house and kept knocking the door even though there was no response. He refused to quit knocking until the door finally open. He gave the old man a tract and left. The following Sunday, the old man was in church and gave the testimony of how he has about hanging himself in his room but the persistent knock on the door did not allow him to proceed. He was fed up with life and the tract he received from the little boy made him surrender his life to Jesus. The young boy rescued the old man from suicide.

What will you be remembered and admired for? What is your story? It is not too late to start making a mark, START NOW.

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