Monday 23 February 2015


There is no lazy man who is successful!

Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve obscure men                    Proverbs 22:29 (NIV)

1. LAZINESS. Laziness and success are parallel lines which can never meet. Laziness is an enemy of personal responsibility. Hardwork is not the only factor to succeed but without hardwork, success is not in view. Men like Joseph, David, Nehemiah and others succeeded by hardwork and God’s help.

2. Procrastination. Procrastination is a thief of time. Do what you will do now and stop postponing it. Taking Personal Responsibility requires saying no to procrastination and acting now. A wise man does today what others are planning to do tomorrow.

3. Complaining and Grumbling. Complaining and Grumbling are enemies of Personal Responsibility. Complains and grumbling shift the focus from you to others, to your situation or other factors which are not relevant. Complaining and grumbling is shifting responsibility instead of taking Personal Responsibility.  Jabez could have accepted his situation by complaining that it was the fault of his mother, father or his environment. Stop grumbling and start acting.
4. Fear. Fear is ‘False Expression Appearing Real’. Dare to look fear in the eye and take a step today. Most of the things we are afraid of never happen. Set fear aside and take a responsibility for your life today.
5. Indiscipline. To be successful, you must be ready to live a disciplined life. Indiscipline has robbed many of their success and is still robbing many more today. No matter the level of success you have achieved, you need discipline to maintain it. Discipline involves setting boundaries for your life. It is applying self control in every area of life. No one will do it for you that is why it is called ‘Self Control’ and not ‘Others Control’!

Remember, nothing changes till you take a step, engage in Personal Responsibility and your success is sure

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