Saturday 21 February 2015


Wisdom demands that you cry out for help and not keep quiet in danger.

 And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep [me] from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.                                  1Chro. 4:10

Jabez of Judah was a nobody. Even his family did not care about him and there was nothing special about him. He was described by his mother as a biological accident because he was given birth to in sorrow. Where was his father when we he was christened? Will a father allow his child to be christened Sorrow? Was the father's absence the source of the sorrow of Jabez's mother?

Jabez probably grew up not knowing the love of a father, his mother never wanted him and his life was meaningless. His life was a product of his name and nothing was working for him. His case was hopeless and miserable. When others made fun of him, there was no place to run to for comfort because his home was in crisis. What good can come out of such a life? A man who had been written off even by his family. He might have contemplated suicide! He could have resigned to fate! If only he had a proper family! If only he was given a good name! If only he was successful! If only............

Jabez took up personal responsibility and addressed the issues of his life. He could not change his situation but he was wise enough to go to one who can turn his life around. He identified his areas of need. He did not just pray ‘‘God bless me’’. His prayer addressed the particular areas he needed change. He wanted the blessings to show in his life, expansion of his small coast, he needed God's hand which helps a man's inability, an end to evil occurrences in his life and for grief to be taken away.

He identified his areas of need and took appropriate step by calling on God and God answered his request. The end result was that he became more honourable than his brethren. A nobody became a celebrity by taking responsibility for outcomes in his life. Jabez became a reference point in the family. He became the voice speaking on behalf of his family.

Why not engage Personal responsibility just like Jabez. He refused to accept his situation nor give in to complaining. Personal responsibility will lift you from obscurity to limelight. Arise and take charge because nothing changes till you take a step.

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