Thursday 3 October 2013



Bob Gass said ‘When it comes to valuable life lessons, the book of Ruth tops the best seller list’.

Life In Moab (A Strange land)

‘And they went  to Moab and lived there’

                             Ruth 1:2 (NIV)

The Lord promised to give Abraham the land of Canaan Genesis 12:7. No matter what happens whether in famine or abundance, never leave your Canaan.

Many men who left for foreign lands had bad stories to tell. Abraham lied that his wife was his sister in Egypt Genesis 12:12, Lot was captured in a foreign land and later lost all he had Genesis 19:25, Abraham picked up Hagar in a foreign land and she later became a threat to Sarah Genesis 16:1,4.

Those who go to foreign lands usually live something good for something worse. Abraham went down to Egypt to live there for awhile because the famine was severe Genesis 12:10.

A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho in Luke 10:30. He was robbed, beaten, stripped and left for dead. Jonah also went down to Joppa Jonah and that trip landed him in the belly of the fish. Samson was another man who had a habit of going down  Judges 14, 1, 5, 7, 10, 16:4.

Elimelech left Judah, the land God gave to Abraham and his descendants as an inheritance for Moab because of the famine. The Moabites are the descendants of one of Lot’s daughters. The daughters of Lot committed incest with their father. Even though the famine was very severe, Moab does not seem to be the best place that Elimelech should have taken his family too. The Moabite women were the ones who invited the Israelite men to their sacrifices and committed sexual sins with them Numbers 25:1-3. God spoke about the destruction of Moab through Amos (Amos 2:1-3)

The sons of Elimelech married women from Moab which was against the commandments,  Deuteronomy 7:1-6. Elimelech and his two sons died in Moab and that was why Naomi said ‘I went away full but the Lord has brought me back empty’ Ruth 1:21.

The blessing of the Lord does not abide with those who do not belong to him. Your location is very important in the fulfillment of God’s purpose for your life. Isaac was instructed by God not to go into Egypt in the time of famine. He was instructed to plant where he was and he reaped bountifully even in the mist of the famine Genesis26:13-16.

Samson was another man who made a habit of going into a foreign land. Samson was a nazarite yet, he had a habit of visiting foreign women Judges 14:1, 16:1. Solomon was also in love with foreign women. He had 700 wives of noble birth and 300 concubines 2 Kings 11:1-8.  The Lord was angry with Solomon and took the Kingdom away from him.



1.         Men who go into foreign land sometimes pick up ‘trouble’ from there e.g Abraham and Hagar

2.       Men who go into foreign land loose something good e.g Samson, Elimelech, Jonah. The man travelling to Jerusalem.

3.       Men who go into foreign land lose their lives in the process e.g Samson, Solomon

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