Thursday 3 October 2013


If you are in the wrong place doing the right thing, your failure is guaranteed

I believe that no topic has generated much controversy and attention than the subject of wealth. We leave in days when people will do just anything to be wealthy. So much has been said about wealth but much of what has been said were partially correct or totally wrong. In order to set the records straight, I have done a study and the result is what I will be sharing with you.

Prosperity is a state of being prosperous, successful, thriving, or good fortune. It is having plenty, wealth, riches, good life, luxury, a life of ease or success.

Wealth is a kind of prosperity. It is a blessing, abundance of valuable possession, expensive goods or money. It is a condition of possessing material prosperity, opulence or affluence. It is having money, substance means or riches.

I define prosperity as who a man is while wealth is what a man has. Prosperity is immaterial while wealth is material.

It is amazing that people are busy pursuing wealth which is only a kind of prosperity. Wealth is only a bit of the large booty; PROSPERITY. A prosperous man will prosper wherever he finds himself. In Portiphar’s house, prison and palace, Joseph prospered. A wealthy man relies on what he has been able to acquire over time.

There are seven things you need to know about PROSPERITY and WEALTH

ü Wealth can fly away. The wealth of the prodigal son grew wings because he lacked wisdom. He wasted all his father gave him. Luke 15:11-32
ü Money is not the solution to your many problems. Ecc 5:11 ; ‘As goods increase, so do those who consume them. And what benefit are they to the owner except to feast his eyes on them?’ this is a simple principle that many do not understand. More money means more responsibilities This explains why an increase in your income has little effect on your life. For example, if your salary is doubled, you will see a need to change your car, move to the area where the elites live, change the school of your kids and many more. At the end of the day, the increase if not properly managed can lead to more problems and even debt. I advise you not to make the pursuit of money/wealth your primary focus/objective because those who have tried it never succeeded Judas Matthew 27:1-10, Achan Joshua 7, Gehazi 2Kings 5:27.
ü Your location is important for you to prosper. Remember that no matter how fast you are travelling in the wrong direction, you will never arrive at your destination. If you are in the wrong place doing the right thing, your failure is guaranteed. Seek to know where God is sending you to. Your allocation will be waiting for you in the right location. God put Adam in the garden of Eden Genesis 2:15-17, Abraham was commanded to go to Canaan Genesis 12:1-4 and Isaac was instructed to remain where he was

Genesis 26:1-6,12-16.

ü All you need is in you and around you. God used the staff in Moses’ hand to deliver Israel, David used his sling and stone to kill Goliath. God has packed everything you will ever need in you and around you. Remember God removed Eve from Adam. All you need to do is to look inwards and around you. Stop running helter-skelter and spend time discovering the potentials that is within you.

ü God is not a magician. Many times we are not expecting miracles from God but we are expecting him to perform some magic in our lives. God works on principles and results can only be obtained by following the principles. No matter how much you pray or fast, if you are not following His principles, you are simply wasting time. God will never rain down money for you from heaven, all He will give you is an instruction to obey or idea to pursue. Stop dreaming and start living in reality.

ü God is the ONLY source of PROSPERITY. There is no prosperity outside God, whatever the devil gives men is a counterfeit which will end up in bigger problems. Look up to  God Deuteronomy 8:18, Proverbs 10:22.

ü Contentment is the key to enjoying life. Learn to thank God for where you are and where he is taking you to. Only the THANKFUL will enjoy a TANKFUL of God’s blessings. Greed is like cancer which destroys men slowly 1 Timothy 6:6-10, Ecclesiastes 5:12.

God is all you need to be prosperous. To live a victorious life and above mediocrity, you must decide to seek God first Matthew 6:33. When you have the giver, you have access to his gifts. Make up your mind on what you want, PROSPERITY OR WEALTH. Joshua 24:15, 1 King 18:21-22

I will like to conclude this piece with the saying ‘Sailing or gambling through life, the choice is yours’. Your life is in your hands for you to decide what you want.


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