Friday 27 September 2013


Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petitions, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God
                                                                                Phil 4:6
Worry gives you extra load to carry along the road of life
Worry is one of the things we have to contend with. This is simply because it is normal and human to worry. We worry when things do not go the way we expect or when we experience what we have not prepared for. It is important to note that many of the things we worry about get solved and we wonder why we were worried about such issues in the first place!
Worry is a little fox that can ruin our lives if we do not deal with it. Worry is a thief, killer and destroyer.

Worry is a killer. Some people have died prematurely as a result of worry. Some even worry to the point of developing high blood pressure which can result in stroke. Some also commit suicide because they cannot see a way out of their present situations.

Worry focuses your attention on your problems. When you worry, your problems looks bigger than what God can handle. It also kills your faith in God. It makes you see why it will not work out well.

Worry never solves the problem. Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Matt 6:27. Worry is a good waste of precious time. It will never change your situation for good. It will never add anything to you. So why worry when it does you no good?

Worry makes you take the wrong steps. When you worry, you come up with temporary solutions which create bigger problems. When the promise of God was not forthcoming, Sarah gave Abraham a brilliant idea which resulted in a greater problem what we are still contending with today!

Worry does not distinguish you as a child of God Matt 6:32. Unbelievers worry because they have no hope and when believers also worry, we become like them. We are to be different from the world. The world should come asking us why we are not worrying even when there are reasons to worry.

Worry steals your peace. When you worry, you become restless. You lose your peace and remain in a state of tension. This can even make you to treat people wrongly.

Worry is a thief of time. Worry will never change anything. The time spent worrying could have been used to pray and take steps in solving the problem.

The solution to worry is to seek God and his kingdom Matt 6:33. God is a responsible father who will not deny his children. Just commit all to his care and follow him wholeheartedly. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you 1 Peter 5:7
When you trust God wholly, you will find him wholly true. Faith in God makes your problems small and God bigger than your problems.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petitions, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and you mind in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6-7

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