Thursday 3 October 2013



“Let me go to the fields and pick up left over grains”

                                      Ruth 2:2 (NIV)

Ruth was not content with sitting in the house and doing nothing. She decided to earn a living for herself and her mother in law. She did not limit herself to Bethlehem but went out of town to pick grains Ruth 2:4. She was an industrious young lady who worked from morning till evening and only took a short break Ruth  2:7.

Ruth found favour in the sight of Boaz because she was hardworking Ruth 2:8. She was like the virtuous woman referred to in Proverbs 31:15 Boaz would not have been able to help her if she was lazy. God has promised to bless the work of our hand therefore it is important that we are doing that which God can bless. There is a blessing attached to hardwork Proverbs 22:29.

The good or evil that men do will always speak on their behalf. Boaz commented that he had heard all the good things Ruth did for her mother in law Ruth 2:11-12. Those who do good things will have good things said about them. The good the Demetrius did was said about him 3John 12, the dream Joseph interpreted was referred to Genesis 41:9-13, the good qualities of Daniel made him stand out of many Daniel 6:3, the evil that Ahab and Eli did were all recorded in the bible 1Kings 21:25-26, 1Samuel 2 12-17, 34.

Boaz prayed for Ruth because she good care of her mother in law Ruth 2:12


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