Tuesday 3 September 2013


Everything in Life is guided by laws. Even God who is Almighty operates with Laws. I will love to share with you the Laws that God used in the creation process.

This law states that everything has a beginning.
Everything you can see and cannot see has a beginning. There is a starting point for every journey or race. All companies and institutions have a beginning. A 70 year old man was once a baby and a Professor was once a pupil.
God started the creation process by making the HEAVENS and EARTH Genesis 1:1. Once you have laid your foundation, you can continue with the breathing process.
Do not assume you have a beginning. Starting is the first step to success. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. Never forget that you CANNOT finish what you never started.
Hindrance To Starting
1.      Fear.
Fear has been described as False Expression Appearing Real. Fear is one of the main reasons why many people do not start working on their dreams. This comes in different forms: fear of what people will say, fear of failing and fear of the unknown.
Fear has robbed many of their victory and success. To overcome fear, you must look fear in the face. You must be ready to press on despite your fears.
If you are afraid of what people will say, keep in mind that people will always talk. If you fail they will talk and if you succeed, they will still talk. Just ignore them and move on with your life.
If you are afraid of failing; failure is not the end of life. When Thomas Edison was asked how many times he failed, he responded that he learnt many ways of how not to make a light bulb. Therefore, failure provides you with firsthand experience of what you should not do in order to succeed. When you fail, it is an opportunity for you to start afresh on a better note. The only man who has never failed is the one who has never attempted anything. Failure is part of life!

2.      Doubt.
Life is full of uncertainties. You may never get to a point where you will be absolutely sure you are taking the right step. At every junction of life, you will always have doubts about the next step you want to take. Do not allow your doubts to stop you from starting. Perhaps, no one has done what you are about to do. Doubt is a constant companion in life but you must learn to proceed despite your doubts.
3.      Laziness.
I have never seen or heard of a successful man who was lazy. Success and laziness can never make a team. If you want to be successful, you cannot afford to be lazy. Hard work alone does not guaranty success but it is a major requirement in other to be successful.

4.      Opposition. Anything worthwhile will face oppositions. If you are not ready to face oppositions, you are not ready to succeed. These oppositions will come from family members, friends, colleagues and enemies. Opposition shows that you are doing something worthwhile. The only way to avoid opposition is doing nothing.

5.      Procrastination. This is one of the barriers of success. Procrastination has been defined as the thief of time. This is postponing what you can do now to another time. Those who are given to procrastination never get to be successful because they are always postponing their success. A successful man is one who does today what others are planning to do tomorrow.  
What is the Starting Point for you Spiritual Life, Relationships, Business, Career, family etc.

You cannot leave your life to chance by playing with the starting blocks of your life! If you have not started you can start today.
Turn your dreams into reality by starting something today.

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