Saturday 7 September 2013


All these things happened to them as examples for us and they were written for our admonition..... 1 Cor 10:11.
It is a thing of concern when people continually do the wrong things with the believe that experience is the best teacher! This is an act of foolishness. Experience will certainly teach you lessons but must you be burnt before you know that fire is HOT!

It is even more pathetic seeing people who do not still learn from their experience. Only a fool falls on the same stone twice!

There are so many avenues to learn from. You do not have to be a victim before you become a victor. Do not make failure an habit in the name of gaining experience!

You do not have to become an animal like Nebuchadnezar, or cry like Esau, suffer like Jonah, die like Samson or be replaced like Saul.
Learn from these examples and stop insulting God with your folly claiming it is EXPERIENCE!!!

Let me show you 3 successive men who failed to learn:

1. Solomon. David lost the son given birth to by Bethsheba, lost his 2 eldest sons; Amnon & Absalom all because he killed Uriah to marry Bethsheba. After all this Solomon knew about his father, he chose to marry 700 wives & 300 concubines. He never LEARNT from his father's mistake.

2. Rehoboam. He witnessed how his father, Solomon enslaved the people with taxes & how the people complained during the reign of Solomon. He refused to LEARN & followed the advice of his friends. The kingdom was divided during his reign.

3. Jeroboam. He was chosen by God to rule over 10 tribes because Solomon disobeyed God. He was not from the royal family but God picked him & made a covenant with him to make him King & his descendants. He chose not to LEARN from David, Solomon & Rehoboam! He was a monumental waste!

These 3 successive men failed to learn from others.

In conclusion, let’s take a look at the lives of Saul and David.

Saul did not wait for Samuel to offer the sacrifice. He also disobeyed God's instruction to destroy the Amalekites completely. He did not repent genuinely and was more concerned about his reputation before the people. Therefore God rejected him as king.

David was found guilty of Adultery, Conspiracy and Murder. When he was confronted with his sins, he repented openly and did not argue like Saul.

David learnt from the mistakes of Saul and that is why God called David a man after his heart despite what he did. He repented and forsook his sins.

It is not a crime to fail, how you react to failure is what matters!

Do not fail to LEARN from yourself and others!

Now all these things happened to us as examples and they were written for our admonition upon whom the end of the ages have come. 1 Cor 10:11.

God bless you!

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