Sunday 11 September 2011


No time like the present, you can do something now for a better tomorrow.
                                                                                                    Horace Mann
The future is purchased by the present.
                                                                                Samuel Johnson
God owes no man tomorrow; all He gives us is today. Make optimum use of today. Don’t leave till tomorrow what you can do today. Each day has twenty four hours and it will soon be over. God is not partial; he gives every man twenty four hours daily. What makes the difference is how you use your time. Time lost can never be recovered, use it wisely. ‘The future comes one day at a time’ Dean Acheson. The future begins today; by tomorrow, today would have become yesterday, tomorrow would have become today. Leave positive foot prints in the sand of times. Men are remembered for their deeds and not their thoughts. Make a difference in the life of someone today.

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