Saturday 7 September 2013


The word love is certainly the most widely used word in English vocabulary. Recently a friend wrote abt relationship on his wall & there were ova 20 comments & i asked myself if people would have responded with thesame zeal if he had written about the second coming of Jesus!
I am not against relationships because life is all about relationships. God made us as relational beings. He gave us emotions as well as the ability to control them. God showed emotions of anger, love, sorrow etc in the bible.
Let me share with you some thoughts from the book of Ruth.

1. Good things don't jump on people. While i don't doubt God is a miracle worker, i believe he is not a magician! Many ladies dream of 'A PRINCE IN SHINING ARMOUR' without preparing themselve as a princess. The choice of Ruth to follow her mother against all odds made her one of the ancestors of Jesus even though she was from Moab. If you are not ready to go all the way, don't ever attempt marriage. Ruth went all the way with her Naomi and she was rewarded.
2. Good things require hardwork. Ruth was noticed by Boaz because of her hardwork. She went out of town in search of food for Naomi. No man wants to marry a liability God's command is that all must work.
3. Be a channel not a pit. Ruth gave Naomi out of the food Boaz have her. She did not consume everything. Don't be selfish. Share your blessings with others.
4. Live at peace with your in-laws. Ruth was living with Naomi without any problem. How many ladies wish to live with their mother in-law in the house? Am sure not many will want to.
5. Listen to advice. There is safety in a multitude of good counsel. No man is an island, be willing to listen to the advice of others. Ruth followed the advice of Naomi and Boaz married her.
6. Time will tell. Keep up your good work and you will be rewarded. The good that Ruth did to Naomi was rewarded, she was an ancestor of King David.
Watch out for the lessons from Boaz for the Men.

One of the best love stories is written in the Book of Ruth. This is the Concluding part of the study of Ruth. This part will focus on lessons from the life of Boaz.

1. Never take advantage of a lady.
God will bring people your way who you can help. He wants to see HOW you will treat them! Never go out of your boundaries when helping others.
Boaz was in a position to help Ruth but he did not take advantage of her. Ruth slept at the feet of Boaz all night yet he did not sleep with her Ruth 3:7-18.

David took advantage of Bathsheba, Amnon took advantage of Tamar, judah took advantage of Tamar. Each of them regretted their actions.
Boaz was a disciplined man who did not take advantage of Ruth. As men, we must set boundaries for ourselves and trust God not to over step them.

2. Boaz married Ruth legally.
Boaz was a rich man who could have used his influence to take advantage of Ruth. When Ruth came to him for help, he took the matter to the elders and asked the closest relative to redeem her but he was unwilling to do that Ruth 4.
Even if you are in love with a lady, do not ELOPE with her! You should get married legally.
Do not by-pass the right process in all you do. God blessed them and they became the ancestors of David and Jesus.

By choosing to follow the examples of Boaz and Ruth, we can also have a Beautiful experience that we can also share with others just as their story is written in the bible!

God wants to perfect all that concerns us including our Relationships. All we have to do is to trust him. He is waiting for us to come back HOME.

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